Book Title: 1833 Treaty with the Chippewa, Ottowa & Potawatamie Indian Nations
Subtitle: A Primary Source Digital Reader
Book Description: "We remember that Milwaukee is covered by the 1833 Treaty of Chicago signed by the United States & Potawatomi & acknowledge it cleaved & dispersed this tribal nation through removal." This digital reader tries to help us remember this history. It collects digital primary sources about the treaty from the Wisconsin Historical Society, the University of Wisconsin Digitized Collections, the University of Oklahoma Libraries, the Library of Congress, the National Archives, & the Hathi Trust Digital Library, among others. It is supported by the Digital Scholarship Lab at Raynor Memorial Libraries.
Book Information
Book Description
“We remember that Milwaukee is covered by the 1833 Treaty of Chicago signed by the United States & Potawatomi & acknowledge it cleaved & dispersed this tribal nation through removal.” This digital reader tries to help us remember this history. It collects digital primary sources about the treaty from the Wisconsin Historical Society, the University of Wisconsin Digitized Collections, the University of Oklahoma Libraries, the Library of Congress, the National Archives, & the Hathi Trust Digital Library, among others. It is supported by the Digital Scholarship Lab at Raynor Memorial Libraries.
—Benjamin Fenelon and Maxwell Gray
1833 Treaty with the Chippewa, Ottowa & Potawatamie Indian Nations by Benjamin Fenelon & Maxwell Gray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.